Sunday, September 30, 2012

Detox The Body For Better Health and Spiritual Connection

Detox Part 1

So, in a previous post I mentioned how I had used a DIY Detox Bath I found on Natural News to help detox my body. I wanted to go over the basics of what Detoxing is and how to use it too help detox your body from the outside and inside.

Environmental toxins

Your skin is the largest organ on your body. It covers 100% of you and is basically your shield between you and the rest of the world. That being said it is also permeable and does allow for toxins to be transported into your body as well. These can include chemicals in health and beauty products, chemicals in municipal water sources (basically your tap water) and a myriad of other things that come in contact with your skin.

This combined with things like drugs, GMO's, food additives, air pollution etc, they have a cumulitive effect on your body. Primarily, your main source of filtering these toxins out of the body and passing them along is the liver. This wonderful organ does such a great job that unless we really abuse it, it tends to hold up rather well under this onslaught and keeps us upright for the most part. But again, these toxins are accumulitive, basically over time they can begin to overwhelm the body and the liver begins to fall behind. Once toxiciity becomes rampant, sickness begins to creep in.

Now let me make this absolutely clear, if you are experiencing anything other than PERFECT ABUNDANT HEALTH, your more than likely suffering from some sort of toxic overload. Time to detox.

Paths to Detox

Now, there are several ways to detox, but for this first post I'm just going to cover the basic modalities of how to detox the body.

The liver is a great organ, when it's doing it's job normally and there aren't an overabundance of toxins coming in, it can usually deal with the load and help cleanse the system. There are things you can do however to help it along. A good internal cleanse will help support the liver in it's function.

The other large organ that needs a decent detox or cleanse is the gastric system, comprised of your stomach, small and large intestine. Deposits of sticky leftover food can adhere to the intestinal wall, otherwise known as adhesion. These block nutrition from being properly absorbed as well as store toxins in the body and even give bad bacteria and fungus a place to grow, such as Candida. Cleaning this out will help with intestinal issues, and overall health.

As we said, the skin is the largest organ in the body. It has the largest surface area of almost any organ and it is totally accessible. The method of detoxing using the skin is probably the most powerful as it will allow you to detox the entire body quickly and easily. Using this while supporting the internal methods of detox will ensure your detox is the most effective it can be.

Check back later as I explore each of the areas to detox and the methods used to do it.

Learning To Be At Peace With Everything

So far this week...

I started the week off pretty strong, went to work as usual and everything seemed to be going fine. The night previous I had an issue with my left ear getting water stuck in it. This was after I used a Detox Bath that I read about it here on Natural News. To make a long story short, I had caused myself an ear infecting trying to clear an obstruction and spent the next 3 days recovering on antibiotics and pain killers.

I don't like taking drugs if I can help it. So know I know that I'll have to rebuild the flora in my gut and take time to detox my liver. It's important to understand what impact different environmental toxins have on your body and do the best you can to care for it.

The infection put me down with pain and swelling for three days in total. My jaw was misaligned due to swelling near my ear so I couldn't chew properly. This was unpleasant and I attempted to keep positive as much as possible but the best that I could do was simply remind myself that 'this too shall pass'. Everything, even suffering, is temporary.

When I returned to work on Friday I found out I had just been released from my contract for hire (I won't say fired, it has too many negative connotations). This was due to an outstanding issue that kept coming up at work that I wasn't able to resolve. Truthfully I wasn't really  happy there, too many things created struggle and discordant emotions. I'm moving on the best I can.

How to get peace in stressful situations.

So now what? I'm without a job, health insurance, etc. Living in California does not bode well for the financial future and I have so many things to do and worry about that already I can feel a sense of panic starting in my subtle vibrations.

To get peaceful there are several things you can do.

Change your focus
Its easy to focus on whats not working, what isn't happening and what might happen. Change your focus to better feeling thoughts and emotions. Play around with your thoughts and find which ones lighten and elivate you, these are the ones you'll want to focus on.

For example, I have a sense of I don't know what to do. That is a scary and negative thought, however a thought similar to it is that I  know I will figure it out. While I may not know what is going to happen, I know that I am a capable and intelligent person. I also just happen to have the most amazing support.

Meditation is a way of connecting with your higher self, God, the Universal mind, what every  you call your Higher Power. Mediation clears the mind and allows for subtle energies to begin flowing through your body, they contain information that helps reorganize your energy to be more harmonious. Making mediation a part of your daily routine is important in maintaining a peaceful outlook.

Prayer helps as well, relying on your other sources for support is important. Its important to know how to pray properly as well. You can look up Affirmative, or Scientific prayer on line to get a better sense of how this can be done. I'll get into this a bit more later, but the basics of it is not to pray from a sense of Want , but from a sense of Have.

Avoid Negativity
Its easy to get overwhelmed with the media, the state that the world appears to be in and everything else out there. I'm an avid video watcher and most of it is user submitted videos. These can often be about violence and deeply negative situations. If you find yourself unable to avoid negativity, then try to balance it out with something positive. Ultimately your goal is to stay in as high a vibration as possible. Read or watch inspiring videos and articles whenever you can.

These are just a few ways you can get peace in stressful situations. Good luck.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Practical Spirituality, What it's about.

So this is my first post here on Practical Spirituality.

Just some basic info about what this blog is for.

1. Keep people informed
While there are many topics to be informed about, I will be focusing on a few primary things. For one thing, I'm aware that we live in a world were not everything is as it seems. Governments and Media are selling us a line that is definitely not in our highest and greatest good. On the other hand, it is easy to get overwhelmed by conspiracy and doom & gloom type media outlets as well. So I will be attempting to keep you informed of the world's going ons  while also attempting to inspire you as well in the interest of balance.

2. Bring you useful tools and practices.
 There are so many useful tools out there and any of them can be of use. The trick is finding the one's that resonate with you so that you can use them to get to the next level. The trick to knowing why something will work for one person and not work for another is something like this. As an example I remember a movie (Dracula 2000) where a person pulls out a crucifix in front of a vampire, the vampire smirks and coolly replies "Sorry sport, I'm an Atheist". Belief is probably 90% of what determines what will work for you, but more on that later.

I'll be bringing you many techniques so you can try them out for yourself. I have access to all kinds of online programs and webinars that talk about different techniques and methods related to spirituality, healing and personal development. I'm constantly looking for new things to help myself and others.

3. Bring you other things you may be interested in.
As I stated above, there are many things I get  interested in that you may be interested in as well. I'll post interesting articles and links in my  blog from time to time that I think are relevant or helpful. I may also post reviews of books I've read, events I've attended or anything else I determine is relevant to the intent of this blog. Stay tuned!