Monday, October 15, 2012

How a Physical Detox Helps Spiritual Development

When detoxing, its easy to see why you might need to do it for physical health. Toxins inhibit the bodies many functions and places a load on filtering organs and systems used to remove those toxins. They can impact hormonal balance, affect organ function, and severely inhibit the immune system which further stresses the system with disease. Physical distress in the form of toxicity and disease can also have an emotional effect too. Toxicity can quickly become a downward spiral.

There is a direct link between your mind and body. When you think stressful thoughts, your body become stressed. Your breath becomes shallow and short and you experience things like higher blood pressure and tightness in your chest. On the other hand, if you realized you were in a stressed state and began to breath deep slow breaths (filling your lungs and belly), you could effectively calm yourself by purely physical means. On effects the other and vise-versa.

In many spiritual traditions they talk about what is commonly refereed to the subtle bodies. In the Law of One channelings, Ra mentions that there are in fact 7 bodies, each linked with each one of the 7 chakra's and each having a different function and relationship within what they call the Mind/Body/Spirit (basically your current incarnation) complex. An imbalance in either the mind, body or soul will affect the others.

As an example lets take the Heart. The Heart is the organ linked to the 3rd chakra which is also called the Green Ray in the LoO (Law of One). An imbalance in any of the three areas, Mind, Body or Spirit, will cause imbalance in the other related areas. So for instance, if some one is thinking unloving thoughts, their hearts will suffer. Many heart patients have issues with unresolved anger or rage. Since we are in 3rd density, we do not have a lot of direct access to the spiritual, so it is sometimes easier to work from the physical or mental side where we have more control.

Detoxing allows us to keep the body in balance, thus helping to balance the other systems as well. As you begin to physically detox, your emotional problems may come up to help with the spiritual detoxing as well so keep this in mind. When all these systems are in perfect balance you have a human being who are commonly refereed to as Ascended Masters, Jesus and Buddah are some of them. The more in balance you are, the higher the vibration you can maintain.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Derek Rydall on Awakening To Abundance.

Listen to this great interview with Derek Rydall who talks about what he has coined The Law of Emergence.

Find out how the Law of Attraction is actually unatractive and may actually be working against you.

Lear the 7 principles of the Law of Emergence and even a simple process to begin manifesting now.

Hurry, the replays end Sunday 10/7 at Midnight.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Detox The Body For Better Health and Spiritual Connection pt3

Detoxing the Body Part 3

External Cleanse 

When doing an external cleanse it best to combine it with the internal cleanse as well. This will facilitate the eliminations of toxins in the body just that much faster. There are a few things to note however when doing any sort of cleanse.

Any cleanse may create a set of symptoms in the body known as a Healing Crisis. This is simply the body reacting to the toxins being released and will pass after a few days. They can include nausea, dizziness, loss of coordination, and general weakness. Consuming fermented foods such as Kumbucha and Kimchi will help moderate these effects..


Sweat it out!

Sweating has been a tried and true method of external detox and there are several ways this can be done.

Saunas are great ways to sweat. You'll want to observe all safety precautions when using a sauna such as monitoring the elapsed time and drinking plenty of water before, during and after the sauna. The goal here is just to get a good sweat session going for 30 to 45 minuets.

Exercise is another great way to work up a sweat. Just use some moderate work out to get yourself sweating pretty good for 30 to 45 minuets. If you already have a decent workout schedule that meets this then there is no reason for you to include another session just to sweat, your already doing it.

Sweating will also help moderate or eliminate a Healing Crisis. Toxins released from cells are floating in the bloodstream and the body cannot remove them fast enough. Sweating will give the toxins another path out of the body.

Bentonite Clay Baths

Bentonite clay offers one of the best chelating solutions out there. Using 1 to 2 cups of Calcium Bentonite Clay mixed in with your bath water once or twice a week will help pull toxins out of the skin and pores. Keep the water warm but not hot and try to keep these baths under 10 mins or so at the begining but you can go longer when your system gets used to it.

The DIY Detox Bath

This was taken from Natural News
Add one cup of natural unprocessed sea salt to a bowl. You can use your favorite brand or choose several for a good mix of minerals. Add to that one cup of Epsom salts and two cups of aluminum-free baking soda to that.

After that you can add two or three tablespoons of glycerin and a few drops of your favorite essential oil.

After its all well mixed, seal it in an air tight container and label it. When taking a bath, mix a 1/4 cup of the mixture in with your bath water. As with the bentonite clay, take about 10 minuets your first few times and extend that when your body gets used to the effects

Bentonite Clay Provides a Safe and Effective Detox
Whole Body Detoxification (Part 3): Far-Infrared Sauna Use
The DIY detox bath - Have a home spa day and soak away aches, pains, harmful toxins, pesticides and heavy metals

Recommended Links For Further Research
Natural News

Monday, October 1, 2012

Detox The Body for Better Health and Spiritual Connection Pt 2

Detox for Better Health and Spiritual Connection Part 2

Internal detox

An internal detox regiment will consist of a few things. First  you'll want to clear your gut and restore good flora. Second you'll want to support your liver in it's function and assist it in eliminating toxins as well. Doing these two things will help the body to begin healing and begin the path to vibrant health.

Colon Cleanse

Colon cleansing, the unfortunate taboo of the detox world. There are several things your bowel is actualy used for.

  • Digesting Food
  • Housing beneficial bacteria
  • Extracting Water
  • Elimination
You eat the food, you digest it with enzymes and acids, then beneficial bacteria get into the job, and then finally the water is extracted and whats left gets passed out of the body. The wrong types of food can cause adhesions or mucus to build up along the intestinal wall. This blocks nutrients as well as gives a place for food to petrify and could potentially become another source of toxins for the body.

There are several colon cleanses available either commercially or even DIY guides available on-line. They usually involve some sort of fiber agent to help move things along, as well as laxatives or even things to kill off nasty parasites and non-beneficial bacteria and fungus.

One of the best colon cleanses I have found is Bentonite Clay. This natural clay is absorbent and adsorbent, meaning not only does it suck bad stuff in, it also sticks to bad stuff. I typically drink about 2 tablespoons of this a day mixed in with about 8-12 oz of water. Calcium Bentonite Clay is the best choice for this and there are guides to choosing the best one for internal cleansing on the net. I noticed that after drinking this for a few weeks, my bowel habits became extremely regular, half an hour after eating anything I had to go. It just means that things are running quite smoothly.

Liver Cleanse

You can help the liver do its job several ways, and supporting it will help the body rid itself of toxins even faster. Eating certain Cruciferious vegetables like Cauliflower, brussel sprouts, broccoli and cabbage can help the liver detox. Supporting it with a good antioxidant like Vitamin C and herbal supplements like Milk Thistle, further assist the liver in its role.

The ultimate liver cleanse however is the one known as the Coffee Enema. This creates a condition where the liver function is greatly increased for a while. There is a lot of good information on liver cleanses in the following videos and websites

Detoxify With Gerson Therapy

 Just be sure to check on how this is done so that you understand the basics of it This is a enema, which means it goes into your backside and it is not a High colonic, it is only meant to be used in the very end of the colon. Too high and it just becomes a nice cup of coffee going the wrong way, which won't have the cleansing effect.

Check back as I get to the External Cleanse in the next post!