Detoxing the Body Part 3
External Cleanse
When doing an external cleanse it best to combine it with the internal cleanse as well. This will facilitate the eliminations of toxins in the body just that much faster. There are a few things to note however when doing any sort of cleanse.Any cleanse may create a set of symptoms in the body known as a Healing Crisis. This is simply the body reacting to the toxins being released and will pass after a few days. They can include nausea, dizziness, loss of coordination, and general weakness. Consuming fermented foods such as Kumbucha and Kimchi will help moderate these effects..
Sweat it out!
Sweating has been a tried and true method of external detox and there are several ways this can be done.Saunas are great ways to sweat. You'll want to observe all safety precautions when using a sauna such as monitoring the elapsed time and drinking plenty of water before, during and after the sauna. The goal here is just to get a good sweat session going for 30 to 45 minuets.
Exercise is another great way to work up a sweat. Just use some moderate work out to get yourself sweating pretty good for 30 to 45 minuets. If you already have a decent workout schedule that meets this then there is no reason for you to include another session just to sweat, your already doing it.
Sweating will also help moderate or eliminate a Healing Crisis. Toxins released from cells are floating in the bloodstream and the body cannot remove them fast enough. Sweating will give the toxins another path out of the body.
Bentonite Clay Baths
Bentonite clay offers one of the best chelating solutions out there. Using 1 to 2 cups of Calcium Bentonite Clay mixed in with your bath water once or twice a week will help pull toxins out of the skin and pores. Keep the water warm but not hot and try to keep these baths under 10 mins or so at the begining but you can go longer when your system gets used to it.The DIY Detox Bath
This was taken from Natural NewsAdd one cup of natural unprocessed sea salt to a bowl. You can use your favorite brand or choose several for a good mix of minerals. Add to that one cup of Epsom salts and two cups of aluminum-free baking soda to that.
After that you can add two or three tablespoons of glycerin and a few drops of your favorite essential oil.
After its all well mixed, seal it in an air tight container and label it. When taking a bath, mix a 1/4 cup of the mixture in with your bath water. As with the bentonite clay, take about 10 minuets your first few times and extend that when your body gets used to the effects
Bentonite Clay Provides a Safe and Effective Detox
Whole Body Detoxification (Part 3): Far-Infrared Sauna Use
The DIY detox bath - Have a home spa day and soak away aches, pains, harmful toxins, pesticides and heavy metals
Recommended Links For Further Research
Natural News
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